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Building the capacity of pilot healthcare institutions to provide rehabilitation services for war veterans and their families

A patient in a gray tracksuit sits on a bed holding the handles of a ZEPUMED rehabilitation machine. Two nurses in blue uniforms assist in setting up the equipment. The room has wooden flooring, and blue curtains are near the window.




United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine (UNDP Ukraine)

  • Goal:

    The project aims to support overcoming the consequences of war-related injuries and improve the quality of life for Ukraine’s defenders and their families by developing the capacity of pilot healthcare institutions to provide rehabilitation services to veterans and their families. The project involves six healthcare institutions that are part of the rehabilitation assistance system along rehabilitation routes, located in three regions of Ukraine: Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Sumy regions.
    As part of the project implementation, pilot institutions participated in a comprehensive needs and issues survey regarding rehabilitation services and received recommendations to improve their effectiveness in this area. Two pilot institutions (KNP "Dnipropetrovsk Regional Specialized Rehabilitation Center 'Solony Liman'" and KNP OMR "Okhtyrka Central District Hospital") will receive sets of modern rehabilitation equipment, along with staff training on how to use it. These institutions were selected based on requests submitted by the respective medical establishments. Additionally, in the three regions where the pilot institutions are located, the implementation of the training program "Effective Communication with Patients" will be carried out, involving at least 12 participants in each event