Strengthening public trust (UCBI III): inclusive advisors network
The company Chemonics International, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
The IGAs of Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions (6 communities), in collaboration with local government representatives, are already actively and purposefully working to eliminate barriers to equal accessibility within the communities. This allows everyone to participate in community life as equal members, who are respected and contribute to the development of the community and society
The project involved the participation of individuals from 6 pilot communities:
- Ivano-Frankivsk region: Bolekhiv community, Bohorodchany community, and Halych community
- Lviv region: Komarnivska community, Velykorybnytska community, and Yavoriv community
As part of the project, the project team visited six pilot communities. In each community, motivational meetings titled "Why Build Networks?" were organized. The meetings were attended by community leaders, representatives of relevant local government departments responsible for inclusion issues, representatives of local NGOs working with people with disabilities, community activists, and local media representatives. During the motivational meeting, the selection of candidates for inclusive community advisors (2 people in each of the 6 communities) was carried out. The main criteria for selecting inclusive community advisors were an active civic position, developed communication skills, and the willingness to influence the processes of improving the situation of people with disabilities in their community
For the selected inclusive community advisors, the opportunities provided by the project were presented. These included the chance to gain specific knowledge and skills through a 3-day inclusive community advisors’ school, as well as the possibility of receiving mentorship from experienced individuals in promoting the culture of inclusion. Additionally, equipment was purchased for the workplaces of the inclusive community advisors in each pilot community
A separate training module on project development and its public presentation was conducted for the inclusive community advisors. After the training, an online hackathon for project ideas to promote inclusivity in the six communities of Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions was organizedThe winners of the Hackathon were:
- Komarnivska community with the idea of installing a tracked lift in the building of the KNP "Komarnivska Multidisciplinary Hospital"
- Halych community with the project of a sensory dream room
All projects2023
Strengthening public trust (UCBI III): inclusive advisors network
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